Monday, May 6, 2019

Negative People

Hello Lovelies!

I hope everyone is having a beautiful Monday! I personally have been expelling more negative people from my life. It was painful, but needed to be done. I expected way too much from siblings who were complete strangers. So, here is some back story.

I was born in East Texas in the late 70s. My mom ended up leaving my biological father when I was about 7 months old. I have 4 half siblings, that I know of, from my biological father. I am my mom's only living child. Oldest born was my half brother Mark who died at birth. Second is my half brother Robert, living. Third my half sister Tina, living. Fourth my half sister Midge who died at the age of 3 months. Her death was ruled to be from SIDS. I did not meet my biological father until I was 21 years old. He showed up in my life expecting me to change my name and everything. He was never there for me. Also only reason he even showed up was because he had 4 years left to live. He contracted Hep B from a dirty Heroine needle. He wanted me to be his nurse maid after 21 years of not being in my life. He only made the effort to see me TWICE before he passed. Those two times were the first time we met and once when I was pregnant with my oldest son. He never showed for my wedding, him or my brother. Neither showed for my son's birth like they promised. I have seen my brother twice face to face. He stayed 4 days with us once when his at the time wife threw him out on the side of the Interstate. My sister I have seen a few times. She used me years ago then threatened me after she couldn't use me anymore. A few years ago when again she couldn't use me she threw me to the side. Both consider me to be a goody two shoes, because I have not spent my life in jail and prison. Both of them however have. Neither has held a marriage and my sister lost her kids. My brother has no kids. I have been married for 17 years to the father of my three children. So because of this fact and them not knowing anything about my life before meeting them they trash me. First time meeting both siblings face to face was at our dad's funeral. I was 24 or 25 years old. This was YEARS after our dad found me. Neither bothered to see me prior at all. My relationship with my brother has mostly been through letters while he has been locked up. Since 2010 he has been in prison more than free. This time around has been the longest stretch of freedom he has experienced. 

Now that the back story is told... Tonight I finally had to just cut ties fully with my brother. He has lied to me since being out of prison once. Probably still is. One thing though I could not ignore was him telling me "Don't be judging" when I made a simple statement to a stupid Facebook meme he tagged me on! I never once judged! This "man" sits back with our sister putting me down for being "too good" and in their minds not living a hard life. They judge me constantly and judge my life because they don't know a single thing about me or my life. But he wants to tell me not to be judging! What caused him to claim I was judging? He tagged me on a meme of Jesus stating no one knows what he is talking about. I commented and said "Actually I do know, but most do not." Not a single judgement given. But he said I was judging. So, I lit into him and told him I was done with him just like I am done with our sister. No more. 

Really isn't a loss to be honest. I don't hardly talk to him or our sister. Only time he talked to me was when he was in prison. No one else wrote him or bought stuff on commissary for him. My husband, mom and I were the only ones. But oh well. He can depend on the family he claimed was not his family any longer while he was behind bars from now on. Life is too short to allow people in who want to tear you down for doing good in life. Jealousy is an ugly thing and remember you guys... It is their problems not yours! 

Until Next Time!

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