Monday, May 6, 2019

Where Has Time Gone? | The Wendy C Life

Hello Lovelies!

Today I have sat and thought about the past and future to come. It still is sinking in that 2020 will be the first year my oldest son can vote. Time has flown by way too fast. This July marks my 40th birthday. I honestly do not feel like I am almost 40. I feel the same as I did when I turned 21. I feel like I closed my eyes for a split second and missed so much. I hate that feeling.

So, where has life gone? 

Honestly, I do not know. I guess focusing so much on things outside of just living whisked it away. I miss the days of being a kid. Everything was so simple. So many memories were made. My focus was actually on simply living. Maybe I need to go back to living as if I was a child again. Making memories without a care in the world. I miss being able to do just that. You know, I think that will be my new life goal. Just live life and create many memories.

It actually makes me feel bad. My oldest son will be 17 years old this Fall. His childhood is gone. Was he able to create many memories? Did my issues keep him from being able to place focus on just that? I often wonder if his memories bring thoughts of a happy childhood. Memories of fun, love and family. I know his hasn't been filled with many thoughts of steady childhood friends. The only steady he had through the years has been his brothers. He is so shy with people. He does enjoy meeting new people though. He loves to learn from them. 

Same goes for my younger two. Do they have happy childhood memories? My middle son is about to be 14 years old in 4 months. My youngest will be 12 only five days after my birthday. They still have some time left in their childhoods. My youngest still holds tight to his childhood all the way down to the love for Paw Patrol. I have never forced my kids to grow up. I want them to hold on to those little things for as long as possible. We are also a family who still believes in the magical things like Santa Claus. Why should we force the magic out of their lives the second they hit double digits? What harm does it do to believe in something special? 

So, my thoughts for today... Why do we have to grow up? What law out there says we can not stay young? Yea our bodies age, but it is really wrong for us to just enjoy. To create memories and live like we did as children? Absolutely not! 

Until Next Time!

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