Sunday, June 16, 2019

Father's Day Tribute

Hello Everyone!

Happy Father's day to all of you awesome dad's out there. Today I am remembering my amazing dad. He was my Step Dad, but I never thought of him as that. To me he was my dad. The one and only. Up until I was 21 he was the one and only dad in my life. Yes at the age of 21 my biological (sperm donor) showed up on my door step. That story is for another blog post. Today I want to praise the dad who was there for me. 

He taught me a lot about life and values. He taught me how to protect myself. He taught me that it's okay to be realistic as well as positive. He never treated me different. He also was raised a devote Catholic. He never treated me like I should be ashamed of my beliefs. He nurtured the fact that I was open minded. I was eager to learn about everything. He would buy me various books to learn. Even if it was topics that went against the Catholic beliefs. He was an amazing dad. 

There is one memory that stands out from the rest for me. I had just had scoliosis surgery. When I opened my eyes in recovery he was standing there smiling down at me. This memory stands out so much for me from many because he was there. A major moment in my life he was by my side as my dad. Everyone always thought he was my biological father. We had that bond. He treated me as his own. He was going to give me a pint of his blood for my surgery. He was excited because it would be like I was his own blood. It was heart breaking when we found out my blood type was actually RH negative instead of RH positive like him. In the end he still dedicated time to help care for me after I came home. 

This value has lived on in me to this day. The value to help others without expectation. He was a good person who helped those in need. I am proud to call him my dad. 

I also want to honor my husband. The father of our three boys. I would include a picture of him on my blog post, but he is not a fan of the camera. He has been there for me and our children through the years. No matter the curve balls life throws at us he is there pushing us through. He works hard to provide for his family. He teaches his sons to be strong young men. He teaches them value to be loving and kind. He teaches them to be strong. He teaches them how to treat a woman. He tells them to value their mother and always to speak kindly and protect. He teaches them to stand up for one another, because they will be all each other has one day. He is an amazing father who we value and love more than words can express. 

So, to all of the fathers out there, no matter what gave you the title of Dad, Happy Father's Day! 

Until Next Time!

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