Monday, July 22, 2019

Time Management for Mompreneurs

As many of you know we are a homeschooling family. I also have my own business that I work from home. So how do I find the time between family, schooling and life to run my own business? This was the exact same question I sat here asking myself a year ago. After a lot of googling and reading on tips I learned one thing. Schedules are key!

I make sure to put appointments outside of our home on my Google calendar. I do this on my phone so it is at my finger tips no matter the device I use. Once our weekly appointments are on there I am able to figure out which time frames I have to work on my business. Example: We may have a day that is filled with appointments. Or the appointments are out of town so we will be away from the home most of the day. Days like this I spend doing something I would consider easy. These are the days I sit down and schedule my post for Facebook Groups, Pinterest, Twitter and my Facebook Business Page. The company I signed up provides us with a content planning site. If I wish to schedule post for my Instagram I use a separate program/site that is able to do so. I also use these days to go through my contacts. If there are people I need to reach out to I do so in the evenings. I also set up my email marketing for the week. Just simple things that does not require a lot of work being put into it.

The days that I have more time free I try to brainstorm on content creation ideas. I also have been using these days to read, listen to audio books and watch training videos. I enjoy having more time to just focus on these things so I can build my business to be successful. Granted some weeks do give me less free time. I don't stress over these weeks. As long as I am doing something to work my business each week. 

Now this talks about schedules around appointments. What about our homeschooling? Luckily for me my children are old enough to be more independent. We still use schedule here however during the school year. My kids come to me with any issues they are having. Work for me gets paused and we work together on the issue. I will also add, YouTube is an amazing tool for helping a child learn. We use this a lot for Science, History and Math. Khan Academy also is a great help in Math. 

So what do I use to organize my time?

Airtable: It is an amazing and free site. You are able to create a Content Calendar here for planning out everything from Facebook Post, Blog Post and Videos. I personally use Avon Social, which is provided to Independent Avon Reps by Multibrain, for a great deal of my Content Planning, but I do use Airtable for Blog and Video/Podcast planning.

HootSuite: I am sure there other sites available, but this is what I personally use for my Instagram post. Google can actually help you find what is best for your needs. Just search for a program or site that helps you schedule your content for various social media platforms.

Google Calendar: Again you can use whatever works best for you. This is what I personally use. We have a Google Home Mini so it makes it easier for me to ask what is on my schedule for the week.

I hope these tips are helpful to you Direct Sales Moms out there! 

Until Next Time!

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