Sunday, September 15, 2019

Wait, Say What?

Y'all I am sitting here right now with my mind reeling. 

So, I have two cousins running for Sheriff in our local elections. I have no issue on who I plan on voting for, because I know both people's character. So, I am on Facebook today and I see a post. One of my cousins' wife had posted up about them visiting a local church. A lady came to my cousin and told him a young child had told her not to vote for him because he was not a Christian. I will add, this came from the lips of an 8 year old. Let that sink in for a second. My cousin's wife did not mention this fact. This fact was told to my mom, by the young lady's grandmother when she private messaged my mom harassing her. 

So, I shared a very personal story about me being raped, molested, sexually, mentally, emotionally, verbally and physically abused on my Facebook. I also shared that this man who people are attacking his character is the reason why my Rapist no longer stalks me. That this man is the reason why I was able to find my voice and heal from this hurt. He didn't even know about the abuse and rape. He only knew I was being stalked and harassed. He was the one who answered the call that night this creep was parking in my driveway and just sitting for 30 minutes. He was the one who showed up when I was having threats on my voicemail. He listened. He stood up for me. He did his job when everyone else told us there was nothing they could do about it. 

My grandfather called and had the other cousin who is running show up. He was wanting to have a report done up against people who lived next to his cattle pasture. They were trespassing, leaving gates open, cutting his fencing causing cattle to get out. He got told there was nothing they could do about it. He also got told to fix his fence then when he said they kept cutting his fence. 

Sorry, but the one who has kindness and compassion to listen is qualified. 

But with all of that aside... What really has my mind boggled is this 8 year old child.
The post simply stated what was told to them. It was followed with they do not fault this child. It was learned at home. The grandmother is attacking people saying this was not learned at home. Stated her daughter told the family at the dinner table she will not vote for said person because he has made bad choices. Personal choices at that I think it was. So this little girl, according to the grandmother, believed that meant he was not a Christian. For a child to believe that they have to be taught that. No matter how they want to look at it the child was taught this at home! She was taught to gossip and to believe if someone makes a bad choice they are not a Christian. She is not taught what it means to be a Christian and how no one is perfect. She has not been taught that her parents have made bad choices if she believes that means you are not a Christian. This child has not been taught how to be a true Christian. Yet now the grandmother and mother want to act as if the mother to the girl is being attacked. No one stated this woman is a bad mother, un-Christian, horrible person, ect... Not one single person. People praised my cousin who this was said about. People talked about how amazing of a person he is. How kind of a person he is. Not all of this other mess this woman wants to imply.

I truly feel for these people. They have to carry a lot of hatred in their hearts to have the kind of mindset they do. Victim mindset at that. They victimize someone else with hurtful negative words, but want to cry wah them. These people truly need some Jesus in their lives. 

So tonight as you say your prayers please include these lost souls. They truly need to seek out the true meaning of being a Christian and living a Christian life. 

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