Monday, November 16, 2020

Update: It's November 2020!

 Good Monday Morning!

Oh my goodness it has been awhile. So much has changed in 2020. We are nearing the end of a year many call the worst ever. We joke and say on New Year's Eve as the clock strikes midnight we must call out 'Jumanji'. 

This has definitely been a crazy year for us. As I last blogged about here, we downsized. We are now living the RV life, stationary. A week after moving into our new little home Covid-19 happened. 

Our state announced it would be shutting down schools. A few days later came the state-wide lockdown. The day they announced the lockdown my husband got the call. 

After this happened I finished my application with Instacart. We lived off of the earnings I made until assistance kicked in. That was a rough month, but we pushed through it. 

We have made big moves this year also. One we moved to a bigger city. Big difference from where we use to live, for sure.

I have also taken on starting a home business. It is something that I am really excited about. More to come later on that. This year has also brought me smiles. My niece brought into this world a beautiful baby girl. Also, with our move, I am now able to see my niece and her family. We spent a Sunday together recently. It was the first time I met her little boy and he has grown on me a lot. I am proud of the person and mother she has become. 

What has gone on for you guys this year?

Has it been a year of total disaster?

Did you move past the what-ifs and uncertainties? 

Did you find silver linings?

Reach out to me in the comments and tell me about your year. 

Until Next Time

You are kind.
You are smart.
You are important.

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