Saturday, March 14, 2020

The Packing Continues

Good Saturday Morning!

Last night was our second time staying in our new home. The biggest challenge for me, which really isn't a challenge, is finding spots for everything. We actually have a good bit of storage so I move around items a lot. The hardest so far was my freezer. It is slap full right now. I threw away half of what I had in my big fridge freezer. It literally was items that needed done away with anyway so no biggie. Thankfully we do have an outdoor kitchen as well. We store items out here also and in the fridge. Best place to keep our bottled waters and drinks.

We are still in the packing process. Mostly packing and getting rid of items we don't need. Also during this time we are dealing with the Covid-19 scare. The state we live in announced yesterday they are closing public schools for a month. Our stores are selling out of so many things. We went to Sam's Club yesterday trying to simply find one bottle of hand sanitizer. There was none! They were even out of toilet paper and only allowing people 2 cases of water each member. We couldn't even buy a box of green beans, because they were sold out. Got one of the last boxes of Mac n Cheese. People have gone crazy needless to say. We even saw people wearing plastic bags on their shoes, gloves and mask while going through the store in a frenzy. Simply cover your mouths when you cough/sneeze, wash your hands (which is better than using hand sanitizer) and use hand sanitizer when water is not available to wash hands. It is simple as that! The mask are not going to help.

Among this craziness we woke up to a peaceful morning. My husband and his cat sat watching the birds while having coffee. We are in the same park our mobile home is located in, but we have more trees and nature around us. We are able to sit and watch Cardinals, Bluebirds as well as Squirrels. Where we were living we saw nothing but Mahogany Wasp. This kept us locked up indoors year round due to allergies to wasp stings. We could not sit outside and enjoy anything. Now we can enjoy the outdoors fully.

When Suddenlink gets our internet set up, some time today, I will be able to get pictures shared to the blog. Till then you can catch photos on my Instagram @TheWendyCLife. There will be more posting in the future there as we get settled into our new life.

So with that being said... It's time to get back to unpacking and organizing! Wish me luck!!

Until Next Time!

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