Monday, May 6, 2019

Positive Vibes & Adulting | The Wendy C Life

Hello Lovelies!

It is a rainy Thursday morning today.
I woke up to the sound of rain splattering my window.
Still a beautiful day to say the least.

Some people ask me why I say everyday is a beautiful day.

I have people saying things like:

"It's rainy and grey. How is this beautiful?"

"Nothing has gone right today. How is it a good day?"

And so forth and so on.

So, how is a day beautiful no matter what?

Because I said it is.

Every grey cloud no lie has a silver lining.
We just have to choose to see it.
Just like the whole thing that after every storm is a rainbow.
Choose to chase those rainbows instead of the storm.

My day so far has been filled with adulting.
Literally the second I woke up.
I wasn't even fully awake!
I choose to chase the positive of it all though.
So, now I am sitting here writing this post before having to adult more.

It is Speech Therapy day for my youngest.
I have to come home and put my nose to the grind stone after.
I think I want to find a new recipe to try.
I have all of this extra greek yogurt from making the cheesecakes.
I need to find a healthy recipe to use it in.

Any ideas?

Dinner last night ended up being Ahi Tuna Fish Tacos.
Super yummy!
I love me some fish tacos.

Well, I hope all of you continue to have beautiful days!
Adulting awaits me.

Until Next Time!

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