Monday, May 6, 2019

#RustonStrong | Aftermath of April 25 2019 Tornado | The Wendy C Life

Hello Lovelies!

I hope everyone is having a blessed Monday.
Our life for the past few days has been filled with shock.
So let me explain why I have lacked on posting past few weeks.

Past few weeks we have had some pretty bad storms.
Days when I have a chance to record a video it would storm.
Loud thunder and all that fun stuff.

So, Wednesday night of this last week we had a chance of thunderstorms.
They were supposed to have started earlier in the evening I think.
I am not totally positive on that though.
My husband got home from work around 11-ish pm.
He was napping in his recliner while I watched tv.
Around 1 something our phones started going off.
Mind you we are not expecting real bad weather.
I don't even think we were under a tornado watch.
When they were doing the warnings on tv they didn't even have a Tornado Watch up.

The first warning we received was not even for our town.
We get the warnings for south of us a lot, as a precaution.
We watched the weather report on it discussing what we should do.
For 30 minutes they kept talking about how this rotation was weakening.
Then suddenly they said it was tightening back up.
Come to find out the one that was going to hit West of us did weaken.
The one that hit Ruston head on formed as the other was weakening.

They said it traveled a path through Ruston of 6.68 miles.
It was a half a mile wide, around 1000 feet (10 football fields).
My biggest pet peeve of all during all of this has been one thing.
Ruston as a community was devastated...
But news medias has been all about Louisiana Tech.
I am proud of our University, I really am.
I do not think however the Community itself should be overshadowed by Tech.
A mother and her 14 year old son passed away.
They were not on Tech campus.
Businesses were tore up in a severe way.
Again, not on Tech campus.
Not even by Tech campus.

The neighborhoods that got hit took the brunt of it all.
There was damage  to some dorms, but they were not lost like many homes.

Also, we seriously need to teach the Tech students what Tornado Warnings mean.
I have seen some post and videos of the students watching at windows.
Some even went outside and went to go back to sleep!
I will add back to sleep with windows at their heads.
We need better shelter provided for some areas.
I don't mean a shelter to go to afterwards.
I mean a place to seek shelter if your home is old or a mobile home.
A storm shelter!
We do not have a storm shelter in our town.
Not that I know of.
We also need to improve the siren system.
We live on the outskirts of city limits.
The sirens go off and we do not hear them.
I have to be awake and listening to hear them.
Also, they use the same tone for every thunderstorm that blows through.
They need to use a different tone for Tornado Warnings.
That way people will take notice and act immediately.
Too many people think, oh it's just another thunderstorm and go back to sleep.
Not everyone has their cell phones on at 2 am.

So with that being said.
The community has been amazing in the aftermath.
I have seen people volunteering helping out in anyway they can.
My 91 year old grandfather even got out with a chainsaw helping with clean up.
People have also been getting out passing out waters, Gatorades and Powerades.
Tons of items needed have been donated to the Recovery Center at the Civic Center.
It is really nice seeing people helping their community so quickly.
People who have worked storms like this even said it has shocked them.
Our small community has come together and did so much in only 4 days.
The schools were able to open back up today.
There is still a long road of recovery ahead...
But the clean up, rebuilding the power grid, Fiber lines and all has been fast.
Most areas around we see lose power for weeks.
That is from something less minor than this.
I think they said yesterday 80% of the power within the city is back up.
Our internet has been going in and out some.
We were actually without cell service, home phone and internet for 2 days.
This has been a time for patience for sure.
Mother Nature forced people to be present.

So, I am very proud of Ruston as a community.
I am proud of the people who came into our small community to help.
It has been a huge team effort.
I can see a lot of growth continuing for Ruston in the future without a doubt.


Until Next Time!

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