Sunday, May 5, 2019

What's New | The Wendy C Life

Hello Beautiful People!

Sorry I have not blogged lately.
I actually have been busy busy with my YouTube channel this week.
That is right!
I am buckling down and putting my nose to the grind stone.

Friday I did my first "Day in the Life" vlog.
I will not lie, I was very intimidated.
I clam up when a camera is pointing at me.
It showed in the beginning of the video.
Big Time!

Luckily my husband was there to crack jokes.
It made the pain of shyness bearable.

If you have not watched my "DITL" video then click over now!

What else is new?

I decided to try something new with my channel as well.
Yes, majority of my "new" deals with YouTube.
So, I decided to give podcasting a try.
I am uploading podcast recordings to YouTube.
Honestly, it is a money thing.
YouTube is free to upload to.
I can create a playlist just for my podcast.
Other sites I looked at limit free accounts a great deal.
I do not want to have to pay to podcast.
Especially if this ends up being something not for me right now.
Yes, I am cheap like that.

My blog has it's own Domain now.
I don't remember if I mentioned that in the last post or not.
So, I am mentioning it here...
Possibly a second time.

I am struggling with getting it attached to my blogger.
Technology hates on me way too much!
So, for now it just redirects to my blogger acct.
I have a cute website made on Wix.
But I am like I mentioned above cheap.
I don't want to have to pay to attach it to the account.
Also, I don't like the Wix ads on it screaming how cheap I am.

I will be working on the look of the blog soon.
I want to have a general hub where everything is linked together.
I hope that will be this blog.
Another reason why I decided against the Wix site...
I could not keep track of views.
It was extremely difficult and I could not use Google Analytics without paying.
I know you have to invest in yourself to build success...
You do not need to go broke in the process!
Way too many people want money in their pockets.
I am trying to get money into my own!

But yea, in a nutshell it has been a week of networking.
I am working on creating content as well.
I want to know what does well out there.


There is another thing that I have come across on YouTube.
Clean With Me videos.
I get the cook with me because you can share recipes this way.
But, why do people enjoy Clean With Me videos?
If you are a person who loves these videos let me know in the comments.
I personally have watched them.
They make me hate my house even more.
As a matter of fact...
They make me hate that I am not that kind of housewife.
I feel so lazy now.

*Reaches for the jellybeans*

What is your favorite type of YouTube video to watch?

Let me know in the comments!

Until the next time!

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